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Caleb Perry

Associate Counsel

Caleb was born and raised in Victoria where he received a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in economics at UVic. Completing courses in calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and game theory Caleb developed the logical mind crucial to understanding our clients’ nuanced and complex problems.

While completing his economics degree, Caleb volunteered with the John Howard Society before co-founding Horizons Tutoring Society to connect K-12 students to free volunteer tutors on campus. Caleb remained at UVic for his law degree. Although his law career began in the early months of the pandemic Caleb was able to gain the skills to adapt to our new world.

Caleb joined Mussio Goodman in 2021 as a first-year summer student; he quickly developed a strong interest in wills and estates but also personal injury litigation. After work Caleb enjoys exploring Vancouver, hiking, cycling, learning to ski, and reading books by his favourite author, David Sedaris.